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Sah, dah tua. Alhamdulillah, Allah bagi kurnia setahun lagi umur ini utk bertaubat dan ber’amal. Badrul, Adam dan Adela menghadiahkan sejambak bunga. Terima kasih. Kad dari adam dan adela berbunyi:

As its your birthday mum, you can relax, take it easy, be waited on all day and not lift a finger… Its a bit like being a man for a day! Happy Birthday BooBoo. From Adam and Adela.

Kad dari Badr pulak is more romantik. Panjang lak nak type kat sini, but it is so very special to me, that i want to share it all 🙂

To my woman, friend and wife…

No one else could understand and know me like you do.

No one else could be my love- no one else but you.

No one else could comfort me with just a look or touch,

Or make me laugh and help me to enjoy life half as much…

No one else could be for me the special perfect blend

Of a wife who’s strong, but also the most gentle, caring friend.

There are so many times when I want to tell you, that I love you,

Times when you and I are all alone and we share a special moment,

Or when I look at you and realise how much happiness you’ve brought me,

Times when I’m so proud you’re mine and so very grateful for your love..

There are times when I want to hold you close, no matter where we are

Or what we’re doing, and tell you again and again how much I love you..

Your birthday is another one of those times…

I Love You



Abang, if you are reading this, i just wanted to tell you, thank you ever so much, tak terbalas segala kebaikan yg diberikan selama ini. and.. I love you too…Thank you again.

One Reply to “Happy Birhday to me…”

  1. Assalamualaikum kak….

    Selamat hari jadi.. semoga panjang umur murah rezeki…semoga sentiasa mendapat keberkatan Allah and dilimpahi rahmat yg tak terhingga…ni ader lagu nak nyanyi utk akak:

    happy, happy burpdays to you
    have a happy day today..
    clap clap clap clap
    Mummy Hamim2 wish you happy burstday..
    have a happy day today…

    are you 10, are 20 are 30 and many more….

    (as on cbeebies song)


    H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! ! !

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