Ramadhan Mubarak!

This is a poem that touched me. I listened to this one at the expoislamia in Manchester (a call to humanity)

From www.muslimPoet.com


by Brother Dash

The cloak enveloped the breeze on a day made sunny by her complexion
A radiant kind of energy or perhaps synergy of mood and disposition
She possessed me
Enveloped me
Cradled me like an orphan babe
And then she caught my glance

I don’t know why I was afraid to say that it was her essence that gave
her such a presence
That sparked such a desire
Not of flesh
But of spirit
That longing for love
She reminded me of He
That blew life into She
That gave birth to the We
That soothes our troubled cries and
I tried to avoid the eyes

But those eyes pierced the walls of my soul
She grabbed and immobilized me
Gently choked my jugular and peered deeply
“Oh my is that the universe I see in the iris of her soul?”

You see it was the essence of her presence that reminded me of love
It was the flow of her gait
It was the way that she walked
It was the way that she talked
Though her lips never parted
She was purifying water
I soooooooo wanted to pray
Prostrate to her GodThat created
That stated
Paradise was at her feet
I was captive to her beauty
And I don’t mean she was pretty
Convinced of my own conviction
She questioned my existence
And my ego ran for cover

Was it the Sun that warmed the wind that kissed my cheeks
Or was it the breadth of her aura
A majestic, feminine kind of Je ne sais quoi
My soul quakedOr perhaps it ached
Language is an inadequate conveyor
She never said a word
Her existence spoke volumes
And this moment demanded a replyI was bursting to ask the question
Struggling, bumbling, fumbling for the appropriate time
Hyperventalaic starts and stops to the question
Fear and anticipation gripping my emotion and my right index finger
And in the midst of this comical spasm
This flotsam, jetsam to and fro
She must have heard the words yell from my soul
And with the softness of a whisper and almost sweet serenade
She said to me simply…
“I’m just a Muslimah”

5 Replies to “Muslimah”

  1. uh, first week masuk skolah dah dapat berlambak assignment..next due is next monday.. huhu… tak tahu laa mummy hamim.. doakan saya.

  2. assalamualykum wr,
    kak ellies pekabar? ^_^
    selamat menjalani ibadah puasa..
    hepi slalu..
    rindu kat akak n org2 manchester..

    – lyda –

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